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The inauguration ceremony of Dongguan Changan Skilled Personnel Service Association was successfully held, and Yutong Optics served as the first president unit

On the afternoon of November 16, the inauguration ceremony of the first Council and Board of Supervisors of Dongguan Changan Skilled Personnel Service Association was held in Changan. City People and Social Security Bureau Director Chen Zhiwu, deputy director Zhang Ting, Chang 'an Town Party Committee deputy secretary, mayor Xiao Hong, town Party committee member Gu Ying and other members of the town leadership team, the city people and social Security Bureau relevant departments, Chang 'an town relevant departments, community secretary, Chang 'an skilled personnel Service Association all member unit representatives, About 250 people from colleges and universities and other associations and enterprises in Chang 'an Town participated in the event.


At the event, Chen Zhiwu, Zhang Ting, Xiao Hong, Gu Ying and other leaders and representatives of the association's sponsor, Dongguan Yutong Optical Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Yutong Optical"), the honorary president of the association, the chief supervisor of the unit and the vice president of the unit jointly unveiled the Dongguan Changan Skilled Personnel Service Association. Witness this milestone moment in the development of the Association.



Subsequently, Director Chen Zhiwu presented the President's plaque for Dongguan Yutong Optical Technology Co., LTD., and Member Gu Ying presented the honorary President's plaque for Guangdong Xiaogenius Technology Co., LTD., OPPO Guangdong Mobile Communication Co., LTD., and Weiwo Mobile Communication Co., LTD. Jin Yonghong, the representative of the president unit of the association, presented the plaque for the president unit, the director unit, the chief supervisor unit, the supervisor unit and the secretary general of the association.


Shangrao Yutong School and Dongguan Changan Skilled Personnel Service Association 5 member units of the school-enterprise cooperation signing ceremony, to expand the breadth, depth and breadth of school-enterprise cooperation.


After the signing ceremony, Jin Yonghong, general manager of Yutong Optics, delivered a speech on behalf of the association. He said that as the president of the unit, Yutong Optics will, together with the member enterprises, give full play to the main role of enterprises in the training of skill talents, help more skill talents to improve their own skill level, constantly improve and optimize the work of the association, promote the cooperation between the association and the government, enterprises and all sectors of society, and provide better support and services for Changan's skill talents. Work with the government and all sectors of society to create a good atmosphere that respects and attaches importance to the training and development of skilled personnel.



On behalf of Chang 'an Township Committee and township government, Mayor Xiao Hong delivered a speech, congratulating the establishment of the Association and the first Council and Board of Supervisors members, affirming the significance of the Skilled Personnel Service Association in the critical period of the town's skilled personnel quality improvement, value-added and enabling, and also expressing expectations for the future development of the association, and putting forward three suggestions to the association: First, unite and lead member units, actively adapt to the new situation of talent work, and promote the continuous growth of the team of skilled talents; Second, give full play to the role of bridge, strengthen the exchanges and cooperation between the university government and enterprises; The third is to give full play to the service guarantee function, build a good platform, do a good job of guidance, and constantly improve the service level of skilled talents.



Director Chen Zhiwu delivered a speech on behalf of the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau. He congratulated the members of the Council and the Board of Supervisors of the association, affirmed the achievements of Chang 'an in the training of skilled personnel, and also affirmed the initiative of the association as the first skilled personnel service association in the city. He hopes that Chang 'an can continue to play the role of vanguard and leader, and actively explore the "Chang 'an model" of skill talent training and construction of skill talent ecology; It is hoped that enterprises can better play the main role in the use and training of skilled personnel; It is hoped that the Association can play a better role as a bridge, gather resources and strength of all parties, do a good job in service guarantee, and jointly build a new highland for talents gathering in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.



Technology to empower people first. Yu Tong Optics is well aware of the importance of training and development of skilled personnel. We will actively play the role of the president of the association, and work together with all sectors of society to contribute to the training and development of skilled personnel, and promote the high-quality development of Chang 'an Town to a new height!