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2023 National Science Popularization Day series of activities [Chang 'an Special event] successfully concluded

2023 Changan town national science Popularization Day series science popularization activities

The popularization of science and technology (hereinafter referred to as "science popularization") is an activity of the state and society to popularize scientific and technological knowledge, promote the scientific spirit, disseminate scientific ideas, and advocate scientific methods, and is an important basic work for achieving innovative development. To implement the Outline of the National Science Literacy Action Plan (2021-2035), the Implementation Plan of the Guangdong National Science Literacy Action Plan (2021-2025) and the Implementation Plan of the Dongguan National Science Literacy Action Plan (2022-2025), We will promote the concept of "innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared" development, popularize scientific knowledge about environmental protection, green and low-carbon, scientific living, safety and health, emergency and risk aversion, improve the ability of residents and employees of enterprises to apply scientific knowledge to solve practical problems and participate in public affairs, further promote the scientific spirit and popularize scientific knowledge. Inspire young people's scientific dreams and aspirations, and cultivate young people's awareness of scientific and technological self-reliance, innovative spirit and hands-on ability. Chang 'an Town decided to hold a series of science popularization activities during the National Science Popularization Day to "Improve the scientific literacy of the whole people, Help science and technology self-reliance - 2023 Chang 'an Town National Science Popularization Day".

Science and technology expert Seminar:

Focus on technological innovation and advanced manufacturing

Interpreting the urban transformation and upgrading of Dongguan

On the afternoon of September 19, the science and technology expert report - "Focus on scientific and technological innovation and advanced manufacturing, interpretation of Dongguan City transformation and upgrading" was held in the auditorium on the 10th floor of the company. The report invited experts with special government subsidies of The State Council, former director of the Scientific Research Department of Dongguan Institute of Technology, former Standing Committee of Dongguan CPPCC, former director of Dongguan Cleaner Production Science and Technology Center Liu Zhimeng to give lectures. In the lecture, Liu Zhimeng interpreted the urban transformation and upgrading of Dongguan from four aspects: First, reviewing the four stages from the original accumulation to the rise and development of Dongguan; Second, it analyzes the password of transformation and upgrading from three aspects: the background of transformation and upgrading, the formulation of planning and rebuilding system, and the technology empowering enterprises. The third is to "three to one supplement" to international manufacturing, from "borrow the ship to the sea" to open highland, from "adjustment structure" to innovation leadership as an example, elaborated the transformation and upgrading results; Fourth, combined with relevant documents and policies, explore the future development strategy of "scientific and technological innovation + advanced manufacturing" transformation and upgrading. This science and technology report will show the achievements and experience sharing of Dongguan City from transformation to upgrading, and continue to help enterprises and regional social economy to achieve high-quality development.


Launching ceremony

On the afternoon of September 19, the launch ceremony of the 2023 Chang 'an National Science Popularization Day series of science popularization activities was held in the square on the 1st floor of Dongguan Yutong Optical Technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "Yutong Optical"). The launch ceremony invited Wu Shibao, the third-level investigator and secretary-general of Dongguan Science and Technology Association, and Liu Zhimeng, an expert on special government subsidies of The State Council. Chang 'an Town Economic Development Bureau member, Chang 'an Town Science and Technology Association executive vice chairman Li Zhixuan, Dongguan Yu Tong Optical Technology Co., LTD. Product supply chain center general manager Zhu Shenghong, Dongguan Yu Tong Optical Technology Co., LTD. Financial center general manager Guan Qiusheng participated as guests.


At the launch ceremony, Zhu Shenghong, general manager of product supply chain center of Dongguan Yutong Optical Technology Co., LTD., said that science popularization activities are an important way to disseminate scientific knowledge to the public, and play a very important role in cultivating innovative talents for enterprises, promoting the popularization and application of science and technology, creating a scientific atmosphere and promoting economic and social development.

Chang 'an Town Economic Development Bureau member, Chang 'an Town science and technology executive vice chairman Li Zhixuan delivered a speech, he pointed out that the science and technology associations and enterprises should further promote the high-quality development of science and technology work, widely carry out science and technology activities to enhance the scientific literacy of the whole people, achieve science and technology popularization and innovation, and enrich the carrier of science and technology. Subsequently, Wu Shibao, the third-level researcher and secretary-general of Dongguan Science and Technology Association, affirmed that Dongguan has made remarkable achievements in improving the scientific quality of the whole people and developing the spirit of scientific and technological innovation in recent years, and encouraged enterprises to play the main role of science popularization work, carry forward the scientific spirit, and increase the demonstration construction of scientific and technological innovation.


Human-computer interactive experience

At the event site, under the leadership of science and technology volunteers, everyone enjoyed a lot of fun and popular science and technology world: feel the fun of shooting in the "simulation intelligent military - Shooting Experience" project; Experience the strangeness of raising the national flag in Tian 'anmen Square in the "VR Cool Technology Area" from the first perspective; Try CPR on a dummy and do it yourself; The importance of perceiving safety in the "Intelligent fire extinguishing system simulation experience"; "Double manpower power generation" not only gains the happiness of science popularization, but also expands the horizon...... Some people carefully observe, some hands-on operation, and some repeated exploration, each science exhibition area is full of everyone's happy figure, the close science and education interaction brought by this series of science popularization activities, so that everyone intuitively feel the mystery of the science and technology world and the significance of mastering life safety knowledge.




Science popularization innovation pursuit of excellence

With the development of high-quality science popularization in science associations and enterprises, the scientific literacy of the Chinese people will continue to improve. In the next step, Yutong Optics will continue to increase the publicity of popular science knowledge, broaden the coverage of popular science awareness, and sound the horn of integrated development of scientific and technological innovation and scientific popularization.
