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Changan town leaders visit Yu Tong optical guidance epidemic prevention work

On February 9, Tan Chun, deputy secretary of Chang 'an Township Committee and mayor candidate, visited Yutong Optics to guide the epidemic prevention work of novel coronavirus infection pneumonia. Li Pingkang, Chairman of Changan Group, and Liang Bingji, general manager of Changan Catering Service Corporation, participated in the supervision and inspection. Company R & D technology center Zhang general manager, plastic division center deputy general manager Du and CAI accompanied the director.

Town leaders inspected and asked about epidemic prevention materials, staff dormitories, cafeterias, offices and other epidemic prevention conditions, and put forward valuable guidance. Town leaders also stressed that the current is a key stage to stop the spread of the epidemic, to scientific and effective epidemic prevention and control. When employees return to work, they should be more cautious and do a solid job of epidemic prevention such as investigation, disinfection and protection.

Company leaders on the town leaders concerned about the problem, one by one to answer, detailed introduction of the Yu Tong optical epidemic prevention measures.

This epidemic is a national battle to stop it. Yutong Optical will do its best to prevent and control, implement various measures, and make every effort to protect the health of employees.